Wednesday, 30 April 2014

OUGD405: Module Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have learnt further how to respond to critique and how helpful it can be especially from my first crit, I also found that from experimenting with papers within this brief it helped me develop my work into something that could target its audience. In the second brief I learnt that using the internet is not always the best form of research as through communication and talking to others more research can be gathered such as primary photographs and opinions, even though this brief was incredibly tough I enjoyed researching and the communication and reaction of fellow students. In the third brief I learnt how to use in design and as I haven’t been introduced to this before it was challenging but I felt I learnt and awful lot which can be used in further briefs. In the last brief I felt it was quite a challenge to understand the overall idea of concepts and problems and how this could work in terms of graphic design but I managed to produce something that could work.

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I learnt about the idea of grids and layout, which, I haven’t come across before, and I think this will help me in further briefs, as I have been able to understand placement and composition of text and imagery. I have also been able to further study the idea of concept which in terms of Graphic Design is highly interesting and is something I want to pursue in further work as it means that the design isn’t just based on aesthetics.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
In terms of strengths I think my initial ideas have been strong and have been received quite well in crits, I have also been able to build my confidence slightly within this module and have felt more able to participate in discussions openly about others Graphic Design. I also felt that within the briefs my research is quite thorough with content and also quality of photographs such as visiting locations and talking to others.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
In terms of weakness I think I need to work further on my skills on the computer as I have found this quite challenging and troublesome especially with illustrator and in design, however I think in the future I should be able to progress more by asking questions on design ideas I have. I also found brief 2,3,4 quite challenging in terms of content as with my word I could of possibly looked further and tried to link my word “keys” to something which somewhat excited me in terms of design rather than just a simple issue.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
- Allow myself more time to plan and to be able to experiment with processes such as screen print and using different stock, I’m disappointed that through lack of time ive been unable to do this.
- In terms of my research I could of extended it further by doing studies of other lost objects, which relate to students.
- Also in connection to my last point I could of further researched into my word keys to link it to me and therefore allow for me to become connected to my work, I felt as though those briefs were quite challenging for me but I know for next time it is worth taking a risk.
- Next time I will gather more primary research rather using books/ the internet/ blogs because I have found primary research to be more useful in terms of design and I feel as though I didn’t do enough of this.
- Lastly, I will try to experiment more with my designs and look at designers which wouldn’t necessarily be what I find visually appealing, especially with the idea of target audience it is difficult to decide whether you are designing for yourself or the audience and I think I need to further target this.

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