Monday, 20 April 2015

OUGD502: Module Evaluation

I have enjoyed creating work for this module as I can now see its usage in the world outside of the university degree programme. Within second year this module definitely becomes more important and I have certainly found that each of the modules have somewhat fed into each other as I have been able to gain more knowledge in skills and also access a broader range of inspiration on websites and books that I have been introduced to. 

I now see why networking is incredibly important and it has definitely helped especially in the current project for design practise 2 I used emails and blogs to be able to talk to people about Autism which isn't necessarily something design related but has been helpful non the less. I have also found networking useful by using Linkedin for context of practice as by being able to access a wider audience this has meant ive been able to gain many responses about printmaking in current graphic design. I thoroughly enjoyed gaining and insight into setting up a business when I worked with Rebecca and this is something that will definitely be useful in the future as I think eventually I would love to work for a small studio or perhaps even have my own business. I'm still unsure about contacting studios as I am quite shy but I recently asked a letterpress studio in Blackburn about taking part in a workshop, perhaps if I am able to do this I will feel more confident to ask about work experience but this may also lift my confidence to ask studios in Leeds too. 

If I could change anything about the experience of this module it would be to push myself to visit more exhibitions and make time to do so. As I find myself quite busy with university work especially when I was completing for the deadline for responsive I found that many exhibitions I wanted to visit I couldn't make time for so therefore I have learnt that I perhaps need to manage my time more efficiently. But PPP has also had a positive impact on my sourcing of research too as I have now been able to access both Behance and Cargo Collective this has enabled me to view work from many different sources and countries from not only studios but individuals too. Over the summer and in level 6 I want to try and contact designers and studios to gain more confidence in knowing what to say even if they don't reply, this is something I have struggled with bringing myself to do in level 5 but I have tried. I have thoroughly enjoyed PPP this year especially being able to present my work in a more professional manner makes me feel more confident about my own abilities. 

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