Tuesday, 29 September 2015

OUGD602- Initial task YOU!

What influences me outside of Graphic Design?

Below I have included my influences and have sectioned it into different sections as I am quite ordered and structured even though my influences are completely varied and complex. 

I have a love for history which includes classic literature and films/ old books. This therefore has meant that an element of work is influenced by this- it has developed into a love for printmaking especially connected to COP 1&2. 

I tend to keep packaging or posters which I like the look of or perhaps would be useful to me in the future as a research point. Therefore included the word packaging as this is something I want to do more of. 

I enjoy reading whether it be lclassic literature or a comic/ zine. This means that I tend to prefer physically printed solutions to briefs as I tend to preferwork that can be kept.

As a vegetarian and animal lover I am also quite stubborn and this is also reflected in the type of briefs I complete. For instance I wouldn't work for a company who ruined the environment or who had a bad ethical history. This also means I enjoy creating work which can make some form of difference or affect communities in a positive way- for instance the brief based on Autism I completed last year. 

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Work Placements!

After feeling slightly disappointed that I didn't want to pursue a work placement with Print For Love Of Wood I began researching studios to find somewhere else for a work placement this year. I understand that on studio's websites they have an email but that is sent simply directly to the administration/reception staff. So therefore I rang each of the studios to ask about the studio and whether they take on third year degree students. 

The first place I contacted was Attacking Design in Leeds as it is quite close by and I saw on their website they were looking for a part time design intern:


By chatting to them on the phone I found that the position had already been filled with Leeds Uni students and that they were not interested in taking anyone else on. They had already done interviews several months ago but unfortunately for me they didn't update their website- however they showed an interest in me still and told me to email them my CV and portfolio samples for some paid freelance work. I emailed them and a few days later followed it up with a phone call to ensure they had received it, they had and told me they would contact me as soon as possible. I haven't received a phone call or email from them and it has been a few weeks now- so therefore I started to look at other design studios. 

When researching I found a studio where the work I found quite exciting and the projects are current and the kind of work I would thoroughly enjoy doing. Storm Brand design are based near Halifax and therefore would be easy to get to. I rang them up and they again suggested sending them an email with my portfolio. 

However they did decline me gracefully:

Magpie studio in leeds has seemed a little more promising as even though they don't have any current vacancies they were keen to look at my work and contact me in the future. 


I was also again declined by several other studios including ALLGOOD studio.

I had also contacted Split studio who were incredibly friendly and helpful, they replied extremely quickly and couldn't apologise enough. 

I admired that they took the time for the creative director to message me and that they did look through my work. I will keep them in mind in the future as when circumstances are different they may be somewhere I could seek freelance work with/for. 

I recently contacted Thompson Brand Partners in Leeds.

They emailed back incredibly quickly asking more about myself so this seems like a promising option. 


Again there were no vacancies for this studio however their response was incredibly friendly and welcoming so there could be a positive out of this. As in a few months time I will contact these studios again to check if they have any vaccines and for the possibility of a studio visit. I really love this studios work as it is all extremely luxurious and well crafted which reflects their client list. 

I have also contacted some other studios including:

(am currently awaiting replies.)
In the mean time I will continue to look at other studios throughout the country to find places where I feel I would feel comfortable and gain something by working for them. 

I contacted United By Design in York as the work on their website is stunning and well presented. However after talking to one of the designers they had an interview process for a two week placement where you must have a portfolio critique session and only then a few may be selected if at all- I wasn't too keen on the idea as it seems a large amount of work to receive very little in return. But perhaps if I am struggling this is something I may consider as the next interview is in December/ new year. 



I saw on twitter that David who runs this studio was looking for a four week internship so therefore I contacted him about this with some examples of work. 

Even though this was initially bad news it is in fact fantastic news as this is someone who I will definitely contact when I graduate for freelance work. 

Summer Studio Visit- Print For The Love Of Wood

During the summer I visited Print For The Love of Wood which is in Lancashire. I had contacted Jacqui who runs the business previously as I was interested in her letterpress work and that she runs her own business. At first I enquired about her studio and the possibility of a work placement. However after visiting I had decided it wasn't for me at all. Her work was beautiful and she showed me many examples and how she puts projects together both with old wood type and by having plates made. It was a brilliant insight and I am pleased I visited as I feel I had learnt a lot but now I know that I don't want to be stuck doing only letterpress artwork. I enjoy making in the print room but this isn't something I want to do for every single brief I complete. From my experience at university I enjoy being given a brief and doing something different with each one depending on the audience ect however at print for love- a large amount of the work were set designs which of course is an easier way of producing pieces but it does seem rather repetitive and perhaps something I wouldn't enjoy.