What influences me outside of Graphic Design?
Below I have included my influences and have sectioned it into different sections as I am quite ordered and structured even though my influences are completely varied and complex.
I have a love for history which includes classic literature and films/ old books. This therefore has meant that an element of work is influenced by this- it has developed into a love for printmaking especially connected to COP 1&2.
I tend to keep packaging or posters which I like the look of or perhaps would be useful to me in the future as a research point. Therefore included the word packaging as this is something I want to do more of.
I enjoy reading whether it be lclassic literature or a comic/ zine. This means that I tend to prefer physically printed solutions to briefs as I tend to preferwork that can be kept.
As a vegetarian and animal lover I am also quite stubborn and this is also reflected in the type of briefs I complete. For instance I wouldn't work for a company who ruined the environment or who had a bad ethical history. This also means I enjoy creating work which can make some form of difference or affect communities in a positive way- for instance the brief based on Autism I completed last year.
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