Wednesday, 18 November 2015

OUGD602: Design Practice Brief 1

For brief 1 I focused on creating a more extended project across a few different platforms as this isn't something I have done before. Through using brief box I found a mock up brief written about rebranding a clothing company called tumtums. This brief I am incredibly proud of creating something different for as I used a variety of skills including screen print and incorporating design for screen too. 

Usually for design I have focused on smaller projects but I have enjoyed challenging myself to prove that a logo can work across a whole range of different products. Normally children's clothing is portrayed through softer colours and this has been a challenging decision at crit's as I have often been slated for my choices. However through talking to parents including older age categories and younger parents they both seemed to agree that use of neon colour was refreshingly different for the high street. 

Below are some of the images below which I have also added to my behance page:

This is the first time as though I have felt my work has been displayed in a more professional manner as I chose to go and learn how to use the photography studios to photograph some of my items. This is a skill I will take through to further projects and I am pleased that the response from outside of university for this has been so positive. The critique from students inside the uni isn't as beneficial as those outside as the target audience for this brief is parents. It was suggested that babies would be terrified of the bright colour however it is scientifically proven that babies can see very few colours at birth and as they become older they are attracted to colour. 

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